Lithium Battery
Lithium Batteries is an application that, through some guided steps, will allow you to prepare your shipment of Lithium metal batteries UN3090 / UN3091 and Lithium ion batteries UN3480 / UN3481, in accordance with the requirements of ADR Regulations (by road) and ICAO/IATA Regulations (by air).
It can be used everywhere and anytime.
It provides information about the shipment of:
UN3090 Lithium metal batteries (including lithium alloy batteries).
UN3091 Lithium metal batteries contained in equipment (including lithium alloy batteries).
UN3480 Lithium ion batteries (including lithium ion polymer batteries).
UN3481 Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment (including lithium ion polymer batteries).
This application provides a reliable and complete guide for packing, labelling and marking the package, filling in all required documents and defining the maximum quantities permitted by the Regulations of the mode of transport you want to use.
Moreover, if you don’t know the UN number of your goods, through some questions, the Lithium Batteries App will guide you to the right classification of the goods, providing you with all the necessary information to properly prepare the shipment.
In particular, the Lithium Batteries App will help you to:
– choose the correct packaging;
– mark and label the package with the correct required markings and labels (the app will show also an example of package ready to be shipped);
– fill in all documents, such as ADR Transport Document, Shipper’s – Declaration and AWB;
– identify the maximum quantities permitted per inner and outer packagings.
Language: English.
Internet connection: required.